Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ethan's Annoying story

I wanted to surprise my dad with another moss eater after a week in wellington. I asked my mum but she said "NO" I kept trying to persuade my mum but all I got was...... a big fat "NO" I even told my mum I would use my own money but I just got the same answer "NO" I kept trying and finally made her say "OK". So on Tuesday the day before dad got home we went to animates the pet shop. When we got there,there were black neons,skeleton fish,stingrays,neon tetras and placos but I chose a fish that really stood out to me the golden algae eater.We asked someone to catch the fish it took 20 or so minutes and they still had not caught the fish. I decided to go and look at the other fish while the guy caught the fish. Just as I was about move on to the 2nd tank of fish the guy yelled out "Got Eem" and that was the start. Now it is Wednesday and dad is about to walk in the door. I have told my mum an brothers to keep the fish a secret. I am just going to sit down and look at the fish and dad has just come in."WE GOT A NEW FISH"yelled my little brother Mason(he is not good at keeping secrets.).At the start I thought the fish was scared of noise but I still could not see him but then when I went away my dad said "found him."Now every time I look at the fish tank he is out of sight.

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