Monday, December 12, 2011

BROOKE Annoying Story

A new girl came to green nature school.Her name was Vanessa. This was her fifth school
in a year. She played practical jokes on everyone including the teacher’s, staff and the principal. Day’s later there was trouble and it was because of Vanessa she started playing practical joke’s on the kid’s.When the teacher’s saw what she was doing they thought she would be easy to handle but they were wrong. But when they got down to her and they were telling her off she did not like that so she started her revenge on all the teacher’s, staff and principal all at once and chased them away. The kids did not like Vanessa. They all thought she was mean.

A few week’s passed by and everyone was feed up with her and her stupid little joke’s. So a little crowed came up to ask Vanessa why she is doing this and what it will take for her to stop playing joke’s with them all all the time. She couldn’t her them that clearly because they were talking very scardly but she new what they were saying. Because it’s fun! and ill stop it if you hmm trick me better than I trick you. It took Vanessa a while to answer the second question. But you only have until next monday so you have all of this week including the weekend’s. They all had a little team talk but the crowed shouted out YES! after they finished there team talk they said DEAL!!

When Vanessa had left the school that afternoon everyone rang there parent’s and said they were coming home late. So that afternoon they set up trick’s and trap’s and some trick’s that lead her to trap’s. Then they photo copped map’s so they didn’t get trapped or tricked. Later on they went home. The next morning they didn’t take the map’s out because that would have given it away to Vanessa. later on in the day Vanessa got tricked into a trap but then she retaliated and good. When school finished with out the teacher’s, staff and principal they all went home. Then they asked there parent’s if they could stay home forever but everyone of those parent’s said no! They even said that the teacher’s, staff and principal ran away because of the new girl Vanessa. But they didn’t believe them all so they went to school five day’s passed by it was already sunday and they still didn’t trick or trap her from monday to sunday. Then on monday they got her really good she got tricked and trapped every step she took. When she got in the school gate acorn fell on her she landed in glue tripped in feather so she couldn’t see were she was going. Then got fruit and vegetable’s splatted at her and got stuck in a net carried over in the net over to the mud puddle then a leaf blower blowed leaf’s at her then got stuck in a net again then brought over to the children. They all laughed at her then she started crying then everyone said does it feel nice to get tricked and trapped she said no then they let her out. Vanessa said you win i’ll stop tricking you all now is everyone happy they shouted out YES! we are thank you Vanessa then Vanessa said you’re welcome. Then they told Vanessa to come with them and then they showed her to come with them and then they showed her how to have fun with out tricking and trapping people she loved it then they called the teacher’s, staff and principal and they came back and Vanessa apologised to everyone and they forgave her.


To everyone who read this if you are thinking about doing this to you’re teacher’s, staff and principal don’t do it because this will not work on them so do not do this please thank you!


1 comment:

  1. Awsome anoying story Brooke keep up the good work.Hayley said... Awsome anoying story but it's a bit strange. Taylor said... Awsome anoying story but why leav the rap there when she could of seen it. From Brooke's little sister's Taylor and Hayley.
