Thursday, December 15, 2011

Jen and Amelia Bread Making 2

Jen and Amelia have made bread- next step is non-yeast buns! This was an experiment to see if we could make things rise without yeast. Our buns actually turned out to be scones! We hope that this video helps you make buns at home, and learn cooking tips on how to make them and this is our last video for the year, so enjoy it!You can use this dough for alot of different uses, like pizza dough, buns, or bread loaves.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jacks Outpost

I lived in an old tin shack in the middle of nowhere. I had to struggle through the scorching hot days in which I sweated and burned and then every night at 6:00 the heat sank to be so cold it was almost as if the heat shattered against a wall. I only owned a pair of ripped pants and some old torn pants. I could only drink my sweat and eat only the dirty pests that ran through my tin shack. Then I had to suffer until dawn in which I had to struggle in the heat. I set off to find civilisation in which I could live like a normal human. In which I had to go through a rusty old signpost with the words pealed off. So i just walked straight ahead and so I started my journey. I walked in the scorching hot heat on my journey to go find civilisation. It was turning into night time I needed to find somewhere to sleep. I found a some lumps in the sand I thought it would be a good place to sleep. I tossed and turned until I finally fell asleep. Morning came I woke up with sweat all over my body. I walked for a bit longer until I came across something, it was a house just one house sitting in the middle of nowhere. I thought maybe there would be people inside maybe they could tell me where civilisation is. I ran inside I looked around for a while.My hope dropped when I saw that one skeleton sitting in a chair. I ran straight out and continued on my journey. I walked for a while but sooner than later it was night again. I tried to fall asleep but could not because that one skeleton was keeping me up. I finally fell asleep. The next day I continued on my journey to find civilization. So I started walking in the same path I saw a glimpse of something in the distance was it people I did not know but I started walking in that direction. It took me a while to get there but I finally arrived I had found civilization I walked around and then I found out it was a ghost town there was still so much stuff it was as if the whole town died. I found a mansion and decided I shall live there. I lived a long and happy life.

Monday, December 12, 2011

BROOKE Annoying Story

A new girl came to green nature school.Her name was Vanessa. This was her fifth school
in a year. She played practical jokes on everyone including the teacher’s, staff and the principal. Day’s later there was trouble and it was because of Vanessa she started playing practical joke’s on the kid’s.When the teacher’s saw what she was doing they thought she would be easy to handle but they were wrong. But when they got down to her and they were telling her off she did not like that so she started her revenge on all the teacher’s, staff and principal all at once and chased them away. The kids did not like Vanessa. They all thought she was mean.

A few week’s passed by and everyone was feed up with her and her stupid little joke’s. So a little crowed came up to ask Vanessa why she is doing this and what it will take for her to stop playing joke’s with them all all the time. She couldn’t her them that clearly because they were talking very scardly but she new what they were saying. Because it’s fun! and ill stop it if you hmm trick me better than I trick you. It took Vanessa a while to answer the second question. But you only have until next monday so you have all of this week including the weekend’s. They all had a little team talk but the crowed shouted out YES! after they finished there team talk they said DEAL!!

When Vanessa had left the school that afternoon everyone rang there parent’s and said they were coming home late. So that afternoon they set up trick’s and trap’s and some trick’s that lead her to trap’s. Then they photo copped map’s so they didn’t get trapped or tricked. Later on they went home. The next morning they didn’t take the map’s out because that would have given it away to Vanessa. later on in the day Vanessa got tricked into a trap but then she retaliated and good. When school finished with out the teacher’s, staff and principal they all went home. Then they asked there parent’s if they could stay home forever but everyone of those parent’s said no! They even said that the teacher’s, staff and principal ran away because of the new girl Vanessa. But they didn’t believe them all so they went to school five day’s passed by it was already sunday and they still didn’t trick or trap her from monday to sunday. Then on monday they got her really good she got tricked and trapped every step she took. When she got in the school gate acorn fell on her she landed in glue tripped in feather so she couldn’t see were she was going. Then got fruit and vegetable’s splatted at her and got stuck in a net carried over in the net over to the mud puddle then a leaf blower blowed leaf’s at her then got stuck in a net again then brought over to the children. They all laughed at her then she started crying then everyone said does it feel nice to get tricked and trapped she said no then they let her out. Vanessa said you win i’ll stop tricking you all now is everyone happy they shouted out YES! we are thank you Vanessa then Vanessa said you’re welcome. Then they told Vanessa to come with them and then they showed her to come with them and then they showed her how to have fun with out tricking and trapping people she loved it then they called the teacher’s, staff and principal and they came back and Vanessa apologised to everyone and they forgave her.


To everyone who read this if you are thinking about doing this to you’re teacher’s, staff and principal don’t do it because this will not work on them so do not do this please thank you!


my dad is a pain {this is not true}

My Dad. When he comes home from work he just sits on the couch...And makes me get him a beer. Grrrrr this makes me so mad.

Now my mum has to do everything like make tea, fold the washing and vacuum the house. So who has to do everything ME! I always hear my dad say "I just got home from work" but then he tells me to go and get his foot stool. I yelled NO!!!! . Then he demands get it or go to your room. So I do what he says.

My mum calls out again for help. Finally he goes to help Mum but tells me to turn on the T.V then I yell out "but you need to help mum with tea." Then he yells "you can just turn it up so I can hear it". I got really mad. So I turn it up as loud as it can go. "",TURN IT DOWN "OK OK" I said. I thought after all that I should sit down. Dad yells "KARA CAN YOU GET MY SOCKS FROM UPSTAIRS?". Wow you could not believe how angry I was. "NO" I yelled and stomped up the stairs to my room making loud stomps as I walked up to my room. "Can I have another beer" he said. OMG why does he always have to be like this.

Annalise's Annoying story

She screams all day and all night. We are neighbors so that's twice as bad. That means that I don’t get any sleep and I forgot. Her name is Bella by the way. I went up to her at lunch today. She misses home she has a little secret she is home sick. She misses home she misses her friends and teachers and China I said why don’t you ask your mum and dad if you can move back to China and her mum and dad said NO and she said but why and her mum and dad said because its to much money dear. So I decided to do the right thing but then we started to get into a fight for some point it was about her missing every body it was really strange because then she started to cry and I didn’t now what to so I just backed up and I don’t now but I ran back home. its just I felt responsible and I just panicked and then ran came along I had to go back to school. And when she walked beside me I felt guilty and then I stood up for my self I gave all my life saving to her it was allot of money but it was for a good course. All was left was to say goodbye she said goodbye then I said goodbye and that is all there is left was to say.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Ethan's Annoying story

I wanted to surprise my dad with another moss eater after a week in wellington. I asked my mum but she said "NO" I kept trying to persuade my mum but all I got was...... a big fat "NO" I even told my mum I would use my own money but I just got the same answer "NO" I kept trying and finally made her say "OK". So on Tuesday the day before dad got home we went to animates the pet shop. When we got there,there were black neons,skeleton fish,stingrays,neon tetras and placos but I chose a fish that really stood out to me the golden algae eater.We asked someone to catch the fish it took 20 or so minutes and they still had not caught the fish. I decided to go and look at the other fish while the guy caught the fish. Just as I was about move on to the 2nd tank of fish the guy yelled out "Got Eem" and that was the start. Now it is Wednesday and dad is about to walk in the door. I have told my mum an brothers to keep the fish a secret. I am just going to sit down and look at the fish and dad has just come in."WE GOT A NEW FISH"yelled my little brother Mason(he is not good at keeping secrets.).At the start I thought the fish was scared of noise but I still could not see him but then when I went away my dad said "found him."Now every time I look at the fish tank he is out of sight.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Aedan annoying story part 3

(not a true story)

I sprinted and sprinted I looked back.It was my teacher worried and scared at the same time I waddled back to my teacher not to scared to talk I say I gotta go my teachers expression was ??? Then he me a peg I didn't under stand but instead of thinking I put the peg on my nose and ran and ran and ran.But that kid was targeting me like a stinky ninja.I stopped to catch my breath as I predicted he was behind me yes he was.He said hello and the chase concluded he was fast but not fast enough I ran into the toilets he corned me.Others got paralyzed (or so they say) from him I was sure I was a gonner but then the school care taker came and took him out.It wad camp 7 days since the incident happened he had been bugging me since.That day I had a shower I had a crazy Idea.It was the second night of camp everyone had deserted the cabins I snuck out and and because he collects sweat in a bucket I decided to swap the bucket with sweat with a bucket of soapy water when Luke got out of the shower there was a scream it worked! 5 days later the pegs were gone 3 weeks after that he had started the habit again…………

I'm his brother!

Caitlins Annoying Story Part 3

Anna was so grumpy with her mum and dad. Especially when they were doing this thing at school where you talk about yourself. She said she was an only child but she wasn't anymore. Now she had to change her story. After dinner she went straight to bed and woke up in the middle of the night to hear crying. She tried to get back to sleep but she couldn't. As she was lying in bed that night she was thinking about the baby. Then she suddenly realized she didn't know his name. The next morning she got up and asked mum what his name is. Jerry said mum. Anna didn't like that name very much. She slowly walked to school thinking about how her nice peaceful life was going to be changed. Just as she was thinking this a girl came up to her. This girl was so annoying it just added to her problems. The girl went on and on and on about how annoying her little brother was. Anna wanted to tell her to be quiet but instead she said I have an annoying brother too. Anna thought how she must be having the same problems too. In class she thought if Jerry was friends with the girls brother then Jerry would leave her alone. But that wouldn't be for a few years.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Jaedyns annoying story

There's this man that is always taking over my life. He's pretty funny but he mostly only talks about the same thing. Rugby. Which is pretty cool but when he comes to my rugby games he only talks about the things I have done wrong. Like when I kept on dropping the ball or running the wrong lines, but the thing I find most annoying is that he is always on the things I wanna go on first. Like when I wanna go on the laptop he's on it and when I wanna go on the playstation3 he's on it. See what I mean. It's just so annoying! It's like diary of a wimpy kid. Rodrick is always annoying to Greg and Rowley. Hopefully someday I'll get him back but I think I won't be able to. One day I found out he wasn't going to be here for a week. Awesome! I ran to the lounge to go on the laptop when I couldn't believe my eyes he was on the couch playing on the laptop because he got hit by a car Noooooooo!. This is the worst thing that has ever happened to me. Wait he might just be faking so I got on my bike and went to the hospital to go check. It turns out he's faking so I raced home to go tell my mum. When I got home mum told me he's gone, so I told my mum I'm going on the laptop. I raced to the laptop and once I pressed the on button on the laptop I realised how much fun it was coming up with schemes to try go on things first. So I went up to mum and begged for him to come home and she said look behind you. THE END

Aedans annoying story part 2

I stand still trying not to show how shocked I was.Suddenly a year 2 shouted out hey stinky this was a surprise for Luke but he still charged towards her I thought rapidly and then I decided to run, run run run. I was sprinting the air was running through my hair I felt wonderful then smash… there standing in front of me my teacher furiously looking down on me you could practically see fire in his eyes no one could look more dangerous he was usally really talkitive but he just stood there and said four words I'll see you later.Luke was gone I turned around and… he wasn't there someone tapped me on the shoulder.

(not a true story)

out post

He kept walking down a road million miles to nowhere. What was he doing? He wanted to go back but did not no where to go. He just kept walking forward. The sound of his own voice was his only company. He wished someone was here with him to keep him safe. He kept walking. As he was walking he wondered how he got here. He had forgotten most things. He remembered little bits but not clearly. Its getting dark I cannot see in front of me. I need to find some where to sleep. He was in the desert, there was no where to sleep. There was only sand. No house, no plants, just rocks and sand. He thought to himself as he sat down on a rock where could he find food. He felt tired and started to close his eyes. He had fallen asleep hungry. When he woke up the next morning his back was sore. As he got up his first thought was food. Everyday was the same he would sleep on a rock wake up with a pain in his back and feel hungry. He knew if he kept walking he would find his way home.

from Kara

Monday, December 5, 2011

Aedans annoyning story part 1

A normal day at school a normal kid at school……not so much for three days now not having showers always farting burping smelling not hygienic in any way no one likes him no one goes near him hes an outcast.His name is Luke nothing good everything bad 8 weeks now noses pegged as far as the eye could see. Teachers disgraced it kids hated it anyway now what happened I was just sitting there minding my own bissuness then it approached.

(not a true story)

Taine's annoying story part 1

Buck Shelford just got dropped by the All Blacks and now he has been sent home.He see's a furniture truck driving into the house next door.The next day Buck goes round to see his new neighbour.Jack opens the door but then before Buck could say hi Jack stated abusing him at the door.Buck says what was that for but instead of a answer he was getting yelled at and being even more now.Buck decided to just go home to get away from Jack and his foul mouth.The next day Buck went outside went outside to get some fresh air but then Jack broke down the fence and had a angry mob with him to make Buck feel sad and annoyed.